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2018 survey results

· 6 min read
Martin Magdinier

From December 12, 2017, to June 7, 2018, we ran our third OpenRefine user survey. Over five months; we received 122 responses. The goal of the study is to keep an accurate and up to date picture of the OpenRefine community.

OpenRefine News: Spring 2016

· 4 min read
Martin Magdinier

The OpenRefine community haven't been quiet during the Wintes months. Tons of new tutorials have been published in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch and OpenRefine introduced to hundreds of new users at conferences, workshop and webinar. All the details below.

OpenRefine News: December 2015

· 2 min read
Martin Magdinier

Happy new year Refiners! Now is time to look back and see what happen in the community through December. Open your agenda, we already have two vents schedule for 2016

OpenRefine News: November 2015

· 4 min read
Martin Magdinier

Once again welcome to the latest edition of our monthly update. Always exciting to update you on all the new developments that have been happening with OpenRefine, and the community as a whole.

OpenRefine News: October 2015

· 3 min read
Martin Magdinier

In this October edition of OpenRefine news: we have listed the latest tutorials and documentation published. Looking for events to attends in November? There is five OpenRefine events happening in the coming weeks.